The Tyranny of SOMEGUY123 2: The Mememan Cometh

It had been years after SOMEGUY123's reign of terror had come to an end. Global peace had been achieved, children rejoiced, a great feast was had. No one would ever again be kicked by the mad tyrant. Nobody knew where SOMEGUY had fled to. He disappeared without a trace. One day in America, two children were going to visit their grandfather. They traveled long and far to see this man and they hoped it would be worth it. A tall, pudgy Greek man opened the door and greeted them. His servant tongue swirled maliciously in his fiendish mouth. He had invited them inside. They entered the large house to see a museum.
"Papa, what're all these things on the walls?" the girl asked.
"Those are my memes, children." the Greek man replied gleefully. As they traversed through the narrow corridor they began to see there was a new exhibit. There was a sign above it which read "ebin". Below the first one was the word "penin" spray painted in red spray paint. When they entered this room there were hundreds of words scrawled on the decrepit walls. "HE PUT IT IN HIS MOUTH!" one read, "THE WEAPONS ARE ARMED AND READY" read another. At the end of the exhibit there was a large cage with a few skeletons in there.
"What is that for, Papa? Do you have a pet?" the little boy asked his grandfather. The graying man's twisted grin scared the children. He chucked to himself.
"Kek," the man said. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a key. He then threw the children into the cage, slamming the door behind them.
"It is my greatest achievement, children. My masterpiece!" he screamed with sadistic joy.
"Wait... you can't mean..." It was at that moment that the children realized that this man wasn't their grandfather at all. It was SOMEGUY! SOMEGUY laughed even more, pulling out a cattle prod from his pocket and branding the children with the words "SOMEGUY's Fresh Dank Meme Farm". He then stared into their crying eyes as he said this:
"Yes, children. You are my new memes."
{{by-user|The Damn Batman}}